
OA Pets Odour Removal (smaku noņēmējs) 250ml

Clunia Easy Dent Spray 60 ml

Multiva Calming Cat košļas N25

Multiva Calming Small & Miniature Dog košļas N25

Multiva Tear Stain salvetes N100

BLOD-STOPP pulveris 10g

FiberActiv 250g

X-Treme Catnip 14.2g

ProClean 35 Shampoo 3.79L

Cardio Force N30

Plaque Control 60g

No Stress Gel 15ml

L-Methiocid N60

Immunactiv Balance N60

HMB & POWER 150 g

For Calm N60

Amylactiv MAX, kaps N120

DermActiv Shampoo 125 ml

Glyco Flex Plus III N30

Seealgenmehl suņiem un kaķiem 300g

Grunlippmuschel kapsulas suņiem N150

Optixcare L-Lysine, N60 Chews

Cutania Care Caps N420

Cutania Care Caps N75

ADIVA Biotic Paste 15ml
19.40 €

DIALIX UT Forte-10 N45

Alysia Plus košļas N30

Cutania Lime Sulphur 118ml

Alysia Care 75ml

Adiva Hepaguard Large košļas N30

Florentero ACT tabletes N120

Cardiak Care 90ml

Penzym Relief 200g

Omega 3 Dr. Baddaky, 200ml

AniWash kopšanas šampūns, 300ml

Adiva Hepatic Feline košļas N60

Būris kaķu fiksācijai 44x30x30cm, ar 2 durvīm

DentalPet Kit komplekts

DIALIX Bladder Control košļas N60

ACALMA Cats maiņas flakons (bez difuzora) 48ml

ACALMA Cats, sprejs 60ml

ACALMA Cats difuzors + flakons 48ml

Evexia Plus 40ml

DIALIX Oxalate Plus košļas N30

Adiva Gastric Small Chews N30

Adiva Gastric Medium & Large Chews N30

Fortan Taurinetten N150

Allergone 400ml

Renal Combi 150g

Neoxide 100ml

Dia Tab pasta 15ml

Adiva Entero Large N40

Normaphos plus XL 90g

Lactadiet Colostro Dog 7.5g N40

Florentero ACT pasta 15ml

Duomega dogs 1000mg N30

Duomega cats 500mg N30

jGard kapsulas N160

JGard pasta 30ml

EFA Hypoallergic Shampoo 355 ml

EFA Hypoallergic Conditioner 355 ml

Ear Cleansing Solution – Sweet Pea & Vanilla 3.79L

Aloe & Oatmeal Shampoo 355ml

Aloe & Oatmeal Shampoo 3.79L

Petrodex Enzymatic zobu pasta 70g

Hyaloral gel 50ml

Universal Medicated Shampoo 237 ml

AniWipe salvetes N12

AniDes 50ml

Ear Cleansing Solution 237 ml – Cucumber & Melon

SUPRA RC-5 košļas

SUPRA RC-15 košļas

Herpless Plus pulveris 120 g

Herpless Plus košļas N30
12.08 €

Evexia N120

DIALIX UT-5 košļas N30

DIALIX Oxalate 300g

DIALIX Lespedeza-15 košļas N60

Confis Cat kapsulas N15

Conecta 135 ml

Clunia TrisDent 236 ml

Clunia Maintenance Zn gēls 59 ml

Canine Red Cell 946 ml

Confis Ultra tabletes N10

Confis Ultra tabletes N300

VetRegul oral gel 50ml

Oleoderm N60

Lactadiet Colostro Cat 7.5g N40

Inflavet N60

Hyaloral Giant N120

Hyaloral Medium N90

Bolo Via pasta

Bolo Via košļas 40g

BeSame 100mg N30

EnteroIMMUNE N100

dMEGA3 N80


CalmaTONINE N120

CLUNIA Zn Wipes N100

Vetinmune N120

PuppImmune 90g

PuppImmune 200g

Profilaxcel N30


kcMEGA 3 N80

Tablešu smalcinātājs – dalītājs

Vigorpet pasta 50g

Red Cell Care 200 ml

Pappylait dogs 250g

Pappylait cats 150g

GlutaMax Advanced pasta 30ml

Forbid pulveris 50g

Forbid pulveris 250g

Diclorex Foam 200ml

Dermousse 200ml

DentalPet zobu pasta 50ml + birste

DentalPet spray 125ml

CystoCure Forte tabletes N30

CystoCure Forte pulveris 30g

Cutania TrisEDTA salvetes N24

Otodine 100ml

BeSame 200mg N30

Actea oto 15ml

Actea Oral 15ml

NormaPhos Plus 45g

Tablešu smalcinātājs

Sanera Enzym koncentrāts 500ml

Sanera Enzym Direkt 500ml

AniVox 100ml

AniLavo 60ml

Pro-Pad 100ml

Glyco Flex 600mg N120

Barošanas komplekts, mazais – 60 ml

Barošanas komplekts – 50ml

Pivodine Scrub 3.79 L

Actea Dermo 50ml

Abelia Zn-Otic 59ml

Abelia TrisEDTA 118ml

Abelia GlycoZoo 118ml

Barošanas šļirce ar uzgali Duratek -10ml

Cat Family Rabbit 10kg DT:30.05.2025
Glyco Flex 600mg N300

Cardiak Care 400ml

Renal combi pasta 30ml

Butchers CDD Blue+ chicken 15kg

Butchers CDD Blue+ beef 15kg

FolicVet 10mg N15

Cardio Force N120

Dog Family with lamb and rice 15kg DT:30.05.2025
Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.